If you’re fortunate enough to be in a financial position where you can rent out your home instead of selling it, should you take the leap? After all, if you don’t need to sell to fund your next move, renting your property is an option worth exploring. Here, we explore the dilemma of renting out a property instead of selling.

Everyone needs a little bit of joy. And these days, finding joy has become a big business. There are gratitude journals, exercise programmes, spiritual practices and much, much more to help you achieve happiness, but what about finding joy in your surroundings?

As a landlord, you’ve probably experienced that feeling of dread when your tenant’s name flashes up on your phone, reporting a problem. Or how about the horror of receiving the news that you’re going to have to pay for urgent (and expensive) repairs?

If you’re thinking about buying your first home, congratulations! You’re about to experience a huge life moment and finally have somewhere to call your own. The first-time buyer journey is exciting, scary, overwhelming…it’s basically all the emotions. So, what can you expect? In this quick read, we take you through some of the initial steps of bu

How can you spot a top letting agent from a master of mediocrity? Read on to find out.

If you’re selling a property, you’ve got a big decision to make. Which estate agent do you pick? Should you go with an independent local agency or choose a big-name brand? Is it worth going with the cheaper online option? In this quick read, we look at why staying local and using an independent agent can offer you real value for money.

Check out our 11-point checklist to help you prepare for your move!

MONEY TALK: Mortgages, Deposits and the Rest + 4 Tips for Viewings

Knowing how to do basic DIY is a huge help, especially if you’re about to move home or you’ve been avoiding certain tasks for ages. Ready to get drilling? In this quick read, we look at some of the best DIY tips and tutorials the Internet has to offer.

If you’re selling a property, you’ve got a big decision to make. Which estate agent do you pick? Should you go with an independent local agency or choose a big-name brand? Should you use an agent based on the locally or go with a cheaper online option?

At last summer is here, so what are your plans? Have you booked an exciting getaway in an exotic location? Or is the aim to kick back and relax on home turf? Whatever you’ve lined up, it’s worth taking note of the common concerns that can crop up in rented accommodation during the summer.

Before selling your home, you might be thinking about ways to add value or unlock potential so buyers can get a feel for what it would be like to live there themselves. But renovations are costly and may not pay off. So, what can you do to make a change without spending too much?