When Was the Last Time You Took Your Property Portfolio for an MOT?

When Was the Last Time You Took Your Property Portfolio for an MOT?

As local lettings experts, we’d like to offer you a complimentary MOT-style check-up on your rental investments.

When did you last take your car for an MOT?

It may have been in the last 12 months, depending on its age.

Pretty standard stuff for vehicle owners.

Now for another question.

If you own a buy-to-let property, when was the last time you reviewed how much you are paying for your mortgage? 

Chances are it probably wasn’t within the past year.

But a lot has happened nationally and globally recently, which has impacted the likelihood that interest rates will only go in one direction – up.

So now is an ideal time to review the buy-to-let mortgage that you have in place. 

We can recommend independent mortgage advisers who will be able to help you answer some of the questions below.

Are you paying over the odds on your buy-to-let mortgage?

Are there better options more suited to your long-term rental property goals?

Could you remortgage to raise money to invest in more buy-to-lets?

The key here is to seek and speak to experts rather than rely on internet searches.

Keep reading if you’re a local landlord

Going back to our earlier vehicle analogy, as local lettings experts, we’d like to offer you a complimentary MOT-style check-up on your rental investments.

We’ll look at the rent you are achieving versus current market prices. 

We will also look at how legally compliant your property’s certification is, including gas safety, electrical, and right to rent. 

And we’ll check several other vital aspects of being a successful local landlord.

To book your Rental Property MOT or be put in touch with a local independent mortgage adviser, contact us today on 01977 644 449.

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