Simple Safe Steps to Protect Your Home from Burglars

Simple Safe Steps to Protect Your Home from Burglars

We have some handy tips to keep your home safe and secure, giving you peace of mind.

The nights are drawing in, and the days are getting ever shorter.

So, what’s on your mind as we head further into autumn?

Are you planning for Christmas?

Trying to keep your energy bills as low as possible?

Or do you welcome the shorter days as a chance to get nice and cosy in front of the telly?

But how many of us use this time of year to review our home’s security?

Burglary rates rise when the nights get longer and darkness provides natural cover.

With that in mind, here are some top tips from to improve your home’s security:

●      Lock your doors and windows every time you leave the house, even when you’re just
out in the garden, remembering to double-lock UPVC doors

●      Hide all keys, including car keys, out of sight and away from the letterbox

●      Install a visual burglar alarm

●      Install good outside lighting

●      Get a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on your property

●      Leave radios or lights in your house on a timer to make the property appear occupied

●      Make sure the fences around your garden are in good condition

●      Secure bikes at home by locking them to an immoveable object inside a locked shed
or garage

●      Keep ladders and tools stored away; don’t leave them outside where they could be
used to break into your home

●      Ensure side gates are locked to prevent access to the rear of the property

●      Improve natural surveillance at the front of your property, i.e. trim high hedges

●      Consider joining or forming a Neighbourhood Watch scheme

●      Remove valuables from view of ground-floor windows

●      Store any high value items (e.g. jewellery, passports) in a properly secured safe.

We hope these tips give you and your family the peace of mind to enjoy the autumn and get ready for winter.

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