6 Simple Steps So Buyers Walk Happily Up The Garden Path

As local lettings experts, we’d like to offer you a complimentary MOT-style check-up on your rental investments.

Let’s talk about hacks. No we’re not talking about the type of hacks that strike fear in the heart of companies and organisations whose websites and systems have been targeted by cyber crooks. The hacks we’re looking at in this article are super helpful, easy to implement ways to make selling or moving home much easier.

Everyones journey is different when needing their home valued, so we've made it easy for you to decide how you want yours done, with 3 simple options.

With SESKU wages rising at only 3% to 4% and inflation at 7%+, SESKU household incomes, in real terms, will fall. Find out our thoughts on how this may affect the local Property Market through the 2nd half of this year.

2,982 homes in the Wakefield council area are empty, which represents 1 in 56 homes. 1,906 of those have been empty for more than six months and are worth £347million. Why are those properties standing empty and deteriorating and why could that become an issue for the whole of South Elmsall?

The energy bills of every Hemsworth resident will rise in April as the price cap increases to account for the global increase in the cost of gas. Those not on the gas mains will still be hit as the UK uses gas to make 45% of its electricity. So, what can residents do to reduce their energy consumption and ultimately save money?

Selling in the next 6 months? How to avoid being in the 1/3 of people whose sale falls through, due to the wrong type of buyer.

Some South Elmsall landlords face bills of between £11,000 to £14,000 as Michael Gove, the Housing Minister, declared an attack on poor quality private rental homes. Are these proposed changes another nail in the buy-to-let coffin for South Elmsall landlords?

Will Hemsworth OAP homeowners be forced to sell their home as their gas & electric bills are set to double in 2022? What can the 1,066 Hemsworth OAP homeowners do to mitigate this? What are their options if they do need to sell? And what will that mean for the Hemsworth property market as a whole?

SESKU Landlord? What is the future of the SESKU Buy-To-Let Market in 2022? What will happen to rents in SESKU? And SESKU house prices? What about the new landlord and tenant law changes? All discussed in this article.